oops concepts in Java | Object Oriented Programming basics with examples in Java

After learning about the basics of Java Programming, it's time to switch to the most important topics of Java. In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the basic concept of oops in Java. OOPs stand for Object Oriented Programming

What is object-oriented programming in Java?

These days most prominently, 2 out of 4 types of programming paradigms are used. These are procedural programming and object-oriented programming. Procedural programming considers procedures or methods as the most essential components of a language. Whereas Object-oriented programming focuses on real time entities called objects. OOP is basically about creating objects that bind data and methods together in an encapsulated unit known as class

Object oriented programming paradigm provides several features like encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism. All these features together provide an essence of reality to Java. Thus making it more secure, reliable, portable and modularized.

Advantages of Object-Oriented Programming

  1. Breaks the whole program into smaller modules, which is helpful in identifying problems and making changes. Hence, OOPs increases modularity.
  2. Reduced complexity; as the use of real world models increase the clarity in the code.
  3. Code re-usability; through this model of real world entities, class and objects. The extent of code reusability increases very much. The class itself acts as a blueprint for creating more and more objects.
  4. It binds the data and code into a single unit.
  5. Abstraction provides more security of data; we can limit the scope of data in a method or class, so that anyone cannot modify the data, without consent.
  6. It is actually faster than other programming paradigms and easier to execute.
  7. It focusses on making the code 'DRY' - Don't Repeat Yourself by making it easier to modify, debug and maintain the code.
  8. Also the reuse of code/software reduces the overall cost of development
Most Essential terms in Object Oriented Programming


A class is a inbuilt/user-defined blueprint, which is used while creating objects. Or it can be called as a collection of objects. It represents the properties and behaviour of a particular set of objects. 

Declaring a class in java: 

class className{
/* statements */

* We can also add modifiers like public, private, protected before the class keyword.

public class TestClass{
/* statements */

The className can be any valid identifier created keeping in mind the same conventions for declaring variables.
Going with conventions, Class name identifier should always have first letter capital.
Class actually doesn't consume any space in memory, until unless its object is created.
In every program, there needs to be one public class. And in that public class, we have to make the main method.
Classes can be of different types: Nested Classes, Anonymous Classes etc.(Going to discuss in next tutorials)


It is the most essentially fundamental concept of OOPs. An object is created from a Class. It can be physical or logical. It is actually an instance of the class which has a behaviour(methods), state(attribute) and name(object-name). It gets memory at run-time.
  • The state of the object represents the properties it has, like for a class Car, its attributes or state can be carColor, carType etc.
  • The behaviour can be referred to the things the object can do, like for class Car, behaviours are driving, playing music etc.
  • Name is the unique name given to that object. This is the main clause which enables interaction between different objects.
public class Dog{

/* states or attributes */
String breed;
int age;
String color;

/* Behaviour or methods */
void bark(){

void eat(){

public static void main(String args[]){
Dog d1 = new Dog();
/* d1 is an object of class Dog */



In this example, d1 is the object of class Dog, or we say d1 is an instance of class Dog.
This instance d1, will have its own set of properties from class Dog, like it will have a particular breed, age, color etc. With its particular set of behaviours like its specific way of barking, eating etc.


The term polymorphism is made up of 2 terms: poly and morph, meaning many and forms, simultaneously. It is the concept in which a single method can be expressed in different forms by changing its signature. This would be clear to you through the following example:

class Sample{

public void sum(int a, int b){

public int sum(int a,int b){
return a+b;

public float sum(float a, float b, float c){
return a+b+c;

public static void main(String args[]){


int sum1 = Sample.sum(12,13);

float f = Sample.sum(12.3,1.1,0.1);





In this example, polymorphism is implemented by changing the number arguments or changing the return type of the method, by keeping the name same
Polymorphism is usually achieved by 2 ways: method overriding and method overloading. Also making an operator exhibit different behaviours at different instances is known as operator overloading. For example: use of '+' operator. In case of Strings, it is concatenation and in case of integers it is addition.


It is also an essential concept of Object Oriented programming in Java, which enables one class to inherit the properties of any other class, specifically known as parent class using the extends keyword. This parent-child relationship is very much useful in case of creating new classes which either has same properties as of another class or has some modifications in those properties. 

The class which inherits the properties of the parent class is known as Sub-class or child class, whereas the class from where it inherits those properties is called Super-class or parent class.

Infact the objects also inherit properties from the parent objects. It is used to achieve runtime polymorphism.

class Animal{

class Mammal extends Animal{

The class Mammal inherits the properties of  Animal class, it can either use the same methods of Animal class or can modify them according to its need.
Inheritance is of many types like: single level, multiple, multilevel, hierarchical etc.
Java do not supports supports multiple inheritance.


Encapsulation can be defined as wrapping up or binding of data and methods/code into a single unit. The most effective example of encapsulation is the java class itself. As it contains or binds both the data and code together in it. 

class Car{
/* data */
private String type;
private int model;

/* code or methods */
public void playMusic(){

public void start(){


It enables the feature of Data-hiding using the private access modifier alongwith, by making the data un-available to the outside world. And can only be accessed by the class methods itself.


It is the mechanism of hiding the inner details of a functionality and showing only the outer details or the essential information to the user. For example, in case of ATM, we only see that we insert the card, enter the pin and amount, and we get money, despite getting notified what else is going inside the ATM machine. 

Abstraction can be achieved by abstract class or methods or by using interfaces.

public abstract class Test{
public abstract void doWork();

We would be learning about these topics in the future tutorials.

Disadvantages of Object Oriented Programming

  • It has a steep learning curve: it often takes time for learning about the thinking process in OOPs.
  • Due to modularity, the program divides into smaller segments, thus increasing the overall length of program.
  • Object Oriented programs are typically slower than procedural program, as they require more instructions to be executed.
  • A verbose syntax


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